Tuesday, June 1, 2010

La pluie

I promised myself I would finish A Room of One's Own this weekend. I have only a couple pages left but the overcast skies always tend to lure me towards hibernation and trying to become a vegetable while watching movies or reading novels. It's been raining (I should say overcast) on Bainbridge since I came home about two, almost three, weeks ago. Right now I can hear the soft pitter-patter of rain as it hits the pavement and the leaves. Birds are calling, because that's what birds do in the spring, and there is an overcast, grey glow coming from the sky. The beauty about the rain in the pacific northwest is that it beautifully contrasts the bright, luscious greens on the side of the road. It also can cause seasonal depression which is what happens when you don't have proper gear or don't get the courage to get out the door and take a walk.

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