Tonight, as part of the Weissman Leadership Series, Keli Carender, Seattle resident and Tea Party Organizer came to Mount Holyoke College. I walked over to Chapin like most people curious to see what she had to say about the Tea Party Movement. A little rally with amusing signs was outside-in the freezing cold I might add, which is dedication in itself. One of my favorite was "I like tea but now you've ruined it for me".
I have to say I was impressed by Keli's integrity, calm demeanor and emphasis on freedom of speech and dialogue about common issues rather than personal attacks. The questions were the most interesting part of the whole evening since she really got to answer some pointed questions. She made a couple things very clear: Keli Carender is part of the Tea Party Patriots which is a faction of the tea party. This is confusing because there are many Tea Party groups-some more radical, religious, or racist. The Tea Party Patriots are concerned with three main issues: 1. Fiscal issues 2. Constitutionality and 3. Free Markets. The majority of her beliefs I don't agree with her at all on the policy changes, but the way she approaches dialogue and how she is motivated for change to happen is admirable. Her blog can be found here. Its so frustrating--my current plan is to move to Scandinavia or Switzerland for part of the year. Hopefully, it will depress me less to be surrounded by socialists.
It blows my mind (and she mentioned this in her talk) that a Seattlite, with liberal parents, fiancee and friends is so conservative in her principles. She is a pleasant, smart, engaging woman who is fiscally conservative. How her policy writings will differ from Republican policies? That she still has to prove.